Master Public Safety Diver
Did you know UCI has the ONLY Master Public Safety Diver certification in the world? Now, we know other competitors will be quickly copying our certification like they do on many of our techniques and methods. But, you know who leads the way. To qualify, public safety divers must go through all our training. The prerequisites are:
PADI Rescue Diver
PADI Public Safety Diver
Advanced Public Safety Diver
Full-face Mask Diver
Dry Suit Diver
Underwater Criminal Investigator
Body Recovery Specialist
Vehicle Recovery Specialist
Evidence Recovery Specialist
CSI Metal Detector Specialist
Master Underwater Criminal Investigator
Becoming certified as a Master Public Safety Diver should be the ultimate goal for every Public Safety Diver. Obtaining that recognition through UCI as well as PADI, doesn't get any better!
UCI leads while others follow!