Public Safety Dive Commander
Imagine being taught how to lead a public safety team and public safety diving operations by the most experienced public safety dive commander in the world! That's what you get when you enroll and are accepted in UCI's PS Dive Commander Course.
Mike Berry himself teaches the class and shares his 40 plus years of leading dive teams and dive operations covering multi-agency and highly complex technical operations like the FBI Amerithrax diving operation where he was appointed by the FBI as the operation's Dive Commander.
It's not easy to get in. You have to be trained
and certified as a:
Public Safety Diver
Advanced Public Safety Diver
Underwater Criminal Investigator
Master Underwater Criminal Investigator
Special Note: If you are also going for your Master
Public Safety Diver certification, you must show
proof of certification in Full-face Mask Diving and Dry Suit Diving!
Why is this training so important?
The person in charge of your dive team is the person legally responsible for the health and safety of the personnel on your team. This legal responsibility also rest on those dive leaders supervising a public safety diving operation. The Public Safety Dive Commander (PSDC) Course prepares you for this responsibility.

The PSDC is a dive team supervisor and is a member of the dive team’s organization’s management team. The PSDC is responsible for the selection, training, activities, performance, record keeping and safety of those on his team.
Most teams are led by inexperienced, untrained, un-certified dive team leaders who got their position by either being the oldest, highest ranking or the most experienced on the team. With no formal dive leader training, they end up doing the best they can.
The PSDC course covers:
The Role and Characteristics of a Public Safety Dive Commander
Supervising a Public Safety Dive Team - Building an Effective Team
Risk Management - Diver Safety
Dive Mission Overview
The Anatomy of a Public Safety Dive Operation from A-Z
Managing a Public Safety Dive Operation
Conducting Dive Briefings and Debriefings
Managing a Dive Medical Emergency
Risk/Liability Reduction
Dive Operation Case Review
Search Pattern Setup
Practical exercises and Open Water Dives
And A Lot More!!!
Quit wasting time! Come join the UCI family! We'll leave a light on for you!