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The UCI College
Imagine being able to go to a Public Safety Diver college and not only receive the best training available in public safety diving, but get trained by the most experienced PSD instructors in the world! Well, here is your chance. We give you the UCI College.
The UCI College focuses on giving the students ALL of the core UCI programs, from Public Safety Diver (basic) to Public Safety Dive Commander (Leadership) in a 3 week, non-stop, intensive, kick your butt program. You can attend all the programs which include 10 certifications or for those of you who have already started your UCI training, attend the programs you are lacking.
For you veterans with the GI Bill, its perfect for your PSD needs and educational training requirements because the colleges are held in UCI's GI Bill PSD Training Center in Columbus, Georgia, Chattahoochee Scuba.

We start with UCI's Public Safety Diver courses which are rescue based and are designed to build a SOLID foundation in PSD and include the:
Public Safety Diver
Advanced Public Safety Diver
For PADI PSD Instructors, here is your chance to move to the next PSD Instructor level by attending UCI's:
Advanced Public Safety Diver Instructor Course
The Public Safety Diver courses are rescue oriented but include an intro into recovery diving. For those of you who respond in the "Rescue Mode" these two programs cover: near shore and away from shore rescue response and vehicle related rescue techniques.
Next, it's time to get serious and take the Underwater Criminal Investigators courses. We start with UCI's foundational course, the Underwater Criminal Investigator which is a 4-day, one day in the classroom and three days in the water of "kicking your butt" training. Our goal is to actually mold you into a professional investigator, one who specializes in conducting underwater investigations. Our motto is "Mission Ready" which means when you go through UCI training, you are the real deal and ready to respond as a true professional underwater investigator. To do this, we don't half-ass our training. We give you everything we got, so hold on.

Have you had enough yet? Because we are just getting started! Now we move to the Master's Program.
Like all the other UCI courses, the Master UCI course is one of a kind. The Master's takes the three cores of PSD recovery diving which are Body, Vehicle and Evidence recovery and we add in some technology, Metal Detectors and add them all together with real recovery operations searching for real criminal evidence and you get UCI's advanced course, the MASTERS!
A UCI Master Diver is one highly trained and experienced PSD. What can he not recovery? He knows how to handle complex underwater investigations and he's (or she) is the best of the best!
I know you are tired, but you can hang. It's time for the Public Safety Dive Commander course.
Imagine being trained to lead diving operations, which include rescue and recovery responses by the most experience Public Safety Dive Commander in the world! That's what you get when you take the UCI Public Safety Dive Commander's program. It's not easy to get in. You must have all the training listed above. How can you lead these types of missions if you have not trained the UCI way to operate?
How's that for a Public Safety Diving College. Contact UCI for more information and come join the UCI family! A group of professional Underwater Criminal Investigators.

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